Easing Dental Phobias With Sedation

We know that for kids, dental phobia is very real. We never want to downplay their anxiety or concerns. We want to help kids enjoy a positive experience in our office, and we can do so with dental sedation. At your Frisco, TX, children’s dental practice, we can keep your kids comfortable with sedation dentistry.

Dental Phobias in Children

Often, due to poor previous experiences or lack of experience visiting the dentist, kids can have phobias about the idea. They could feel triggered by the sights and sounds, as well as the tools. They could feel restless as a result, which prolongs their time in the chair and drags out the visit, which only adds to their discomfort and phobia. We never want to exacerbate your child’s anxiety, and we have experience in speaking with kids to help them feel calm and relaxed. But we know that isn’t always enough. With dental sedation, we will help them enter a calm and relaxed state, so they can undergo treatment and enjoy a positive visit to the office, preventing them from dreading their next appointment. This can also help those with special needs as well.

Our Sedation Options

We offer two main forms of sedation available. The option we choose for your little one will depend on their age, weight, medical history, and anxiety levels or special needs. We take all of these factors into account when choosing the best calming option.

The most commonly prescribed option is nitrous oxide, sometimes referred to as laughing gas. Children wear a mask over their nose and breathe in a gas that helps them enter a state of euphoria, so they’re comfortable and calm during the visit. This is safe for all ages, and the effects can be adjusted during treatment and wear off once the procedure ends. Your children could even return to school afterward.

For a deeper state of calm, we could offer oral conscious sedation. Your children enter a deep state of relaxation with the sedation administered orally prior to the procedure. They will be conscious and able to respond to the dentist, but will have little to no memory of the procedure afterward. They may even fall asleep. Afterward, the effects will take time to wear off completely, so they may be groggy and unable to return to school.

If you have any questions about sedation dentistry for kids, then contact our team today to learn more.


We want to make sure your kids enjoy good oral health and can comfortably receive routine dental care, protecting them from major complications down the road! To learn more about helping little ones with dental phobia enjoy a positive dental visit, call Healthy Smiles Children’s Dentistry at (214) 436-4774.


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