Dental Checkups Provide A Chance To Protect Little Smiles

We want to see kids for a checkup once every six months starting at around age two. While these visits may seem minor, they are essential for safeguarding kids against the onset of poor oral health. At your Frisco, TX, children’s dental practice, we can offer a dental checkup to help safeguards their smiles!

Starting Treatment For Misalignment

Often, the first signs of developing dental misalignment occur as young as age seven, which is why we offer unique treatment options to help guide the growth of the smile and limit misalignment. At your Frisco, TX, children’s dental practice, our team can offer interceptive orthodontics, such as retainers and space maintainers.

Keeping Little Smiles Clean

Over time, plaque and tartar buildup can form on little smiles and increase the risk of tooth decay and gingivitis, as well as bad breath and teeth stains. To fight this buildup and safeguard little smiles, we offer a routine dental cleaning. At your Frisco, TX, children’s dental practice, we can protect your child’s smile… Continue reading Keeping Little Smiles Clean

What To Expect From Your Child’s First Visit

Are you interested in scheduling a visit for your child, their first visit? We’re always excited to see new patients and help them with their oral health, from babies and toddlers to teens. At your Frisco, TX, children’s dental practice, our team is talking about what to expect from your child’s first visit!

How We Help Kids Avoid Tooth Decay

Cavities can impact kids of all ages, but we want to help them avoid these painful complications. Which is why we offer unique preventive treatments designed to help kids avoid cavities and infections. At your Frisco, TX, children’s dental practice, we can help kids avoid the onset of tooth decay.

Does Your Child Need Early Interceptive Orthodontics?

Did you know that we can begin addressing orthodontic concerns for kids as young as age seven? At this stage, early interceptive orthodontics could allow us to guide the growth of the smile and prevent worsening alignment concerns. At your Frisco, TX, children’s dental practice, we can use space maintainers, retainers, and more to help improve… Continue reading Does Your Child Need Early Interceptive Orthodontics?

Easing Dental Phobias With Sedation

We know that for kids, dental phobia is very real. We never want to downplay their anxiety or concerns. We want to help kids enjoy a positive experience in our office, and we can do so with dental sedation. At your Frisco, TX, children’s dental practice, we can keep your kids comfortable with sedation dentistry.

The Benefits Of Zirconia Children’s Crowns

When a child sustains an injury to the tooth, or develops tooth decay or infection that a filling alone cannot treat, then a restoration likely a crown may be necessary. But instead of a traditional metal option, we can use a more durable and lifelike material known as zirconia. At your Frisco, TX, children’s dental practice,… Continue reading The Benefits Of Zirconia Children’s Crowns

We Offer Full Sedation Pediatric Dentistry

When your child has serious anxiety about an upcoming dental procedure, sedation techniques can help ensure a safe, worry-free experience. To offer your son or daughter the best service possible, we partner with the Children’s Medical Center in nearby Plano for procedures that require advanced sedation. This is to guarantee that a trained, experienced anesthesiologist… Continue reading We Offer Full Sedation Pediatric Dentistry

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