When your child’s tooth develops a cavity, or if one is damaged in a dental emergency, then we can offer repair that blends with their smiles. Our team can often address these concerns in only one visit! At your Frisco, TX, children’s dental practice, we can offer natural-looking bonding and fillings with composite resin.
Composite Resin
Composite resin is a very strong and durable material, one that is biocompatible and bonds with the tooth, offering repair that can last for years to come. When a child has a damaged tooth or one with decay, treatment is necessary even if this is a baby tooth. Without treatment, the tooth could fall out on its own months or even years later, allowing the cavities or injury to become an infection that leads to premature tooth loss and an increased risk of misalignment. Treatment is crucial as soon as an issue is discovered!
The material blends glass-like and acrylic-like particles. Since there is no metal, this is safe for all ages. The material can absorb daily bite forces and also be color matched to blend with the smile, offering a lifelike result for kids.
Dental Bonding
With dental bonding, we use the composite resin to address injuries or to mask cosmetic imperfections. We will numb the tooth so your child is comfortable, and then we etch the outer surface and place the prepared bonding material. We then cure the material as we sculpt and mold the tooth. The last step is to polish it for a brighter appearance. The procedure could repair minor chips and cracks, lengthen worn down teeth, and address misshapen teeth or smiles with imbalance. If your child has serious discoloration, this could mask teeth stains. The procedure takes only one visit, and can offer renewed confidence for your child!
When a cavity is present, you need treatment to avoid infection and the risk of tooth loss. With a filling, we will remove decay from the tooth and clean it. We then prepare and place the composite resin on the tooth, and again sculpt the tooth as the material cures beneath a special light. We polish the tooth and in one visit, treat the cavity to bring relief and protect the smile as a whole. If you have any questions about how we diagnose and treat tooth decay or about repairing dental emergency situations in one visit, then contact our team today to learn more.
Our team is eager to help your kids enjoy durable and lifelike improvement for their smiles. To learn more about repairing and restoring smiles, then call Healthy Smiles Children’s Dentistry at (214) 436-4774.